AAG CFP: Geographies of Media


Call for Papers

Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting

Seattle, WA

Last Day for Abstract Submission: October 13, 2010

Please note that sessions will likely fill earlier than the final deadline.

Geographies of Media

Co-Sponsored by the Political Geography Specialty Group, the Cultural Geography Specialty Group, the Communication Geography Specialty Group and Aether: The Journal of Media Geography

We are seeking papers that examine geographies of the various forms of media, including cinema, television, the Internet, music, art, advertising, newspapers and magazines, video and animation, etc.  These sessions should include contributions to current geographic issues surrounding these media, beginning with constructions of space & place, culture, society, and identity.

We are hoping to present a wide range of both topic and context and seek participants interested in the geographical implications – social, political, cultural, and economic – that are often contained within the spaces and places of different forms of media. Media extend beyond their original form and so papers should also envision these geographies as part of a broader industrial and political complex in which culture is an economic commodity set within the broader frame of a global and postmodern era, and with the links between these realms and our daily lived experiences, from our cities to streets to living rooms to imaginations. These contexts invite inquiries into the production, distribution, exhibition, and consumption of all types of media and we encourage critical, pedagogical and discursive contributions. We would also welcome inquiries from anyone wishing to assemble a special themed session, a panel session, or act as a discussant in a session.

To present a paper you must do the following before October 13, 2010:

1. Register online for the AAG conference to obtain a PIN number

2. Compose and submit an abstract following the guidelines of the AAG website

3.  Email Presenter Identification Number (PIN) and abstract before October 13, 2010 to:

Jason Dittmer <j.dittmer@ucl.ac.uk>

~ by Jason Dittmer on September 15, 2010.

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